Event Details
- Start Date 1 April, 2018
- Start Time 10:00
- End Date 4 April, 2018
- End Time 17:00
- Location New York, USA
Reunion parties mean, fun, excitement, anxiety and definitely nostalgia. It is your opportunity to meet old buddies, your own school guys/ gals’ gang and even your first crush if you ever had any. Weeks before the D-day all of us make loads of preparations, plan a new look, go on a diet to look good and ‘young as ever’, and not to forget selecting the best suit out of our closet.
Well, it is also most likely that you do not succeed in achieving any of the above. You are unable to locate your pals, your gang is half present, and your crush is most likely to appear in the arms of his/ her fiancée/ fiancé. But despite all of this, reunions can still rock provided you are game for it. You might just meet faces and make acquaintance with people who are much senior or junior to your batch. You might even find out that the hot neighbour, who you have been birding for months, now, is also an alumnus of your alma mater, and Bingo! You get a chance to break the ice with him/ her.
A reunion party usually stretches over a weekend or three- four consecutive days; this tends to become a hindrance in the participation of many ex-students who find it difficult to accommodate long leaves for such programmes. People also find lectures and presentations on the institution’s development boring and loose interest to such an extent that they scrap out plans to attend the remaining days of the event.