10th EEBST Survey Form We kindly request you to participate in our survey on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the EEBST, which aims to develop scientific research in our country. Are you a member of the society? Yes No How did you hear about EEBST? Friends Social media One of the Symposium channels My University System Did you participate in the symposium with an abstract? Yes No Did you attend the symposium? Yes No If you were not able to attend the symposium, can you please write the reason? Is the date of the symposium convenient for you? Yes No If not, can you please suggest a better date? Were you able to communicate with the organizing committee for needs? Yes No If there has been a problem, may we kindly request that you share it with us? Are you satisfied with the website of EEBST? Yes No If you are not satisfied with the symposium, can you write what problems did you see? Are you happy with the OpenConf Website? Yes No If you are not happy with the OpenConf, can you please write the reasons? Do you think the social media posts were sufficient to represent the symposium? Yes No Do you think the symposium venue was adequate? Yes No If not, what problems did you see? Were you pleased about the organization of the symposium? Yes No If not, what was missing? Is there anything you would like to mention about the symposium program plan and timing? Do you find the diversity of topics in the symposium was sufficient? Yes No Do you think the topics covered in the symposium represent your research area? Yes No Do you have any additional topic suggestion? Did you find the keynote speakers' talks beneficial? Yes No Did you like the content of the panels? Yes No Were you able to establish sufficient connections with the symposium presenters and other participants? Yes A little No Do you have any suggestions for improvement?